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Weekly Update - 21st July

20 July 2024 21:24

Update for Sunday 21st July 2024

See full update HERE

Sunday 21st July – All Saints Vision and Stewardship – Hallelujah, our God Reigns!

The readings this week are Isaiah 52: 7-10 and Ephesians 2: 1-10

At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Revd. Emma will preside and preach.  

At 10am we gather for a Holy Communion with groups for Kids and Youth at Ten. Peter Mitchell, our Licensed Lay Minister (Reader) will lead, and Revd. Emma will preside and preach. This service will be live streamed. All are welcome to stay for refreshments served in our church hall after. 

Sunday 28th July – Return: the Minor Prophets:  Hosea, Boundless Love

The readings this week are Hosea 3 and Matthew 5: 1-12

At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Revd. Buffy will lead and preside and Peter Mitchell, our Licensed Lay Minister (Reader) will preach.

At 10 am we gather for Morning Worship. Revd. Buffy will lead, and Peter Mitchell, our Licensed Lay Minister (Reader) will preach. There are no groups for our young people and children.  All are welcome to stay for refreshments served in our church hall after.   

Return: The Minor Prophets 

Often, we forget the minor prophets; we either ignore their words, or we rush through their message in a hurry. Starting on Sunday 28th July, and running through August, September and October we’re going to focus on the Old Testament Minor Prophets. Over twelve weeks, we’ll focus on one prophet each week: their story and context, and their message for us today. Common themes will run throughout these twelve prophets in Israel’s history, and a primary theme is restoration. Though the prophets often brought words of judgment and consequence, they also spoke words of hope, peace and ultimate renewal. The minor prophets convey God’s heart and longing for his people – that we should return, and discover forgiveness, healing and love. 

Below we’ve listed each minor prophet along with a broad theme. You may want to read in preparation for each Sunday. Each minor prophet is short in length and will only take 5-20 mins to read. We’ve included the page numbers as found in the Bible we use in church. 

28th July Hosea: Boundless Love (pgs.850-860) 

04th August Joel: Hope and Restoration (pgs.860-864) 

11th August       Holiday Club Celebration 

18th August Amos: Let Justice Roll (pgs. 864-873) 

25th August Obadiah: The Power of Pride (pgs. 873-874) 

01st Sept Micah: Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly (pgs. 876-883) 

08th Sept Jonah: Heart of Repentance (pgs. 874-876) 

15th Sept Nahum: Mercy, Justice and Compassion (pgs. 883-885) 

22nd Sept Habakkuk: Before You Give Up (pgs. 886-888) 

29th Sept Zephaniah: Hope Remains (pgs. 889-892) 

06th October   Harvest Celebration 

13th October Haggai: Renew the Vision (pgs. 892-893) 

20th October Zechariah: Grace and Forgiveness (pgs. 894-902) 

27th October Malachi: A Better Day is Coming! (pgs. 903-905

22nd July – 28th July 

Please note that Revd. Emma will be on annual leave at this time.

Wednesday 24th July 2pm – Bereavement Support Group

This month’s meeting will be on ‘The Traumas of Technology?’  Don Tocher will be our main speaker, helping us to see how technology can benefit us, how to keep safe online, and deal with common problems.  Do come along and bring any issues you struggle with when coping with modern technology and share any useful tips and sources of help you have discovered.  As always, we will enjoy a home-made tea and a good chat afterwards.  All welcome, 2.00pm in the Church Hall.

Office Closed – Friday 26th July and Monday 29th July

Please note that the office will be closed as Karen Rose will be on annual leave.

Friday 26th July from 1pm – Church Grounds Work Party

At last summer has arrived but after several months of inclement weather our church grounds now need quite a bit of a clear-up. We therefore need a work-party of volunteers to help with this. We have set aside the afternoon of July 26th from 1pm onward.  If you are available to help, please contact Richard Handy or the Parish Office who will pass your name on. The more people we have the easier and quicker the task will be.  Please contact Richard on 07545 617740

Please note that the car park will be partially closed off while the works are being carried out.

Thursday 1st August - Blood Transfusion service

Please note that the carpark will be closed all day.

 URGENT! Holiday Club
6th – 9th Aug and Celebration Service on Sunday 11th at 10am

Please pray for Holiday Club, the children and families joining us and the team as we prepare. To help you with this, we have produced the Holiday Club Prayer Diary (this can be found in the carousel) please pray for this amazing opportunity to reach our community with God's word and love.

Biscuits, please.  Would you be able to donate Biscuits for Holiday Club?  Biscuits need to be brand new and wrapped with a good date on them. All items need to be NUT FREE!

Donations can be dropped off to the office up until Monday 5th August (please be aware the car park will be closed). Please let Lewis know if you’re donating so we can keep track of what we need to buy.

To find out more, or to let us know you would like to help, please speak to Lewis Jones, Kim Markham, Peter Markham, Revd. Buffy, Lesley Handy, Angela Herring or email

And finally, please remember, to ensure safety for all at the Holiday Club, All Saints (including the church, office, halls, Heath room, carpark, and grounds) will be closed from the Sunday 4th August 8pm through to teatime on Friday 9th August.  The parish office will be open for email/phone enquiries only. 

Sunday 11th August 

Please note on this Sunday there will be one service only at 10am to celebrate Holiday Club.  Please come along as we share in all the children have learnt and discovered during the week about God’s love and grace.

Staying Connected to Jesus

In recent weeks we have looked at the seven I AM statements recorded in John’s gospel.  We concluded last Sunday by thinking about I AM the vine – and our call to be branches; disciples connected to Jesus - our source and life.                   

We considered all the different ways that we can stay connected – through prayer and intercession, Bible study, worship, joining a homegroup, coming to church, reading Christian books, listening to our favourite hymns and songs, and starting and ending each day in prayer.

Another idea was to also use a daily devotional to help us pray and read Scripture.  Devotionals can be hard copies – so something like ‘New Daylight’.  Each year, around October, John Byrne takes an order for these.  You might want to consider signing up this year.  Do talk with John if you want to know more – or you can borrow an old copy – we have lots spare in our bookshelf in our welcome area; so, do help yourself.

Devotionals are now also freely obtainable on our phones.  Using Android play store, or the Apple play store you can access a daily devotional which will walk you through prayer, a Bible reading, a meditation.  These are very easy to use and a source of great encouragement and strength.

There are three main apps which I have used and would really recommend:

Lectio 365 

Lectio 365 is great app that helps you PRAY the Bible every day.  

P:ause to be still

R:ejoice with a Psalm and R:eflect on Scripture

A:sk for God’s help

Y:ield to His will in your life

Everyday Faith

This app is from the Church of England.  It contains reflections, readings, activities and prayers to help you find and follow God in everyday life. 

The Bible The Bible joins with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel (leaders of Alpha) and is for those looking for an easy and accessible way to read and understand the Bible. With over 1.5 million users worldwide, The Bible with Nicky and Pippa Gumbel is a daily Bible reading plan taking you through the entirety of the Bible in 365 days.


Karen Rose, Parish Administrator. 023 9226 8757

Revd. Emma Racklyeft, Vicar. 023 9226 2647 

Revd. Buffy Langdown, Curate. 07747 819918

Lewis Jones, Youth & Families Community Leader. 07780 981235 

Peter Mitchell, Licensed Lay Minister (Reader)

Amanda Hillyard, Churchwarden. 07808 198827  

Mike Gaskin, Churchwarden. 07734 325284