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The "Parish Chronicle"

Our Parish  Magazine

The Denmead Parish Chronicle is a full colour monthly magazine with lots of articles and news of what's going on in the whole of the village. 

  • Church
  • Clubs & Societies
  • Charities
  • Events & activities in the village's halls


Copies are available just inside the Church entrance at 50p each.

For just £6 per year you can have a copy delivered every month (Denmead area addresses only).  If you would like to subscribe please contact: Paul Over,  email:

Click HERE for a link to the October 2024 edition....


The Chronicle contacts:

Editor:  Steve Venn,
Assistant Editor:   Julia McLeod
Distribution:  Paul Over,
Advertisements:  Trish Bailey,
Finance:  Stuart Cleaver

 Contributions for the Parish Chronicle

Please submit articles by email:  by 10th of the preceding month.