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Weekly Update – 23 March

21 March 2025 11:25

Update for Sunday 23rd March 2025

See full update HERE

Sunday 23rd March – 3rd Sunday of Lent 

This week the readings are Psalm 19: 1-6 (pages 71-74 in The Whole Easter Story), Romans 8: 18-25 (pages 90-93 in The Whole Easter Story) and Revelation 21: 1-3 (pages 98-100 in The Whole Easter Story)

At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Revd. Emma will lead and preside and Peter Mitchell, our Licensed Lay Minister (Reader), will preach.  

At 10 am we gather for Morning Worship with Mission Update on Ghana Link/St.Paul’s Tafo.   Revd. Emma will lead, and Peter Mitchell, our Licensed Minister (Reader), will preach. There are no groups for our young people and children.  All are welcome to stay for refreshments served in our church hall after.    

Sunday 30th March – 4th Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday) 

This week the readings are Acts 4: 32-35 (pages 115-118 in The Whole Easter Story), Hebrews 12: 1-3 (pages 134 – 137 in The Whole Easter Story) and Matthew 18: 21-23, 32-35 (pages 107 -110 in The Whole Easter Story) 

At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Revd. Buffy will lead and preside and Revd. Emma will preach.  

At 10am we gather for a Holy Communion Revd. Buffy will lead and preside, and Revd. Emma will preach. All are welcome to stay for refreshments served in our church hall after.      

Tuesday 25th March – Parish Office Closed

The office will be closed for today only, due to annual leave.


On Wednesday 26th March at 2pm in the Church Hall we are looking forward to welcoming a representative from The Elizabeth Foundation to come and talk to us about their work in our local area.  The Elizabeth Foundation is a registered charity and the UK’s largest single provider of education services for babies and preschool children with hearing loss.  Alongside their nursery provision they offer a range of services in person and online, helping deaf young children with hearing loss learn to listen and talk.

We will use the opportunity to look at our own experiences of hearing loss and what we have found to be helpful in addressing some of those difficulties.  As always, we will enjoy a delicious home-made tea and get our brains in gear with a fun quiz.  Everyone is welcome.                   Jeanette Power

Saturday 29th March 8.30am - Men’s Group Breakfast 

The next Men's Breakfast is on Saturday 29th March at 8.30am in the Heath Room (off the church hall) when we get together over bacon butties, croissants and more.  

After breakfast we look forward to hearing from Don Tocher and Mike Gaskin about 'Passion for Bikes' - an interest they both enjoy.

For catering purposes please let John Byrne, or 07906 370369, know by Wednesday 26th March if you would like to come.  

The programme for 2025 can be found in the welcome area of the church.

Saturday 29th March 7.15pm – Film Night

We are pleased to announce our third All Saints Film Night Fundraiser! All monies raised will go towards church funds. The film is: Pay It Forward - a 2000 American drama film directed by Mimi Leder. The film is based loosely on the novel of the same name by Catherine Ryan Hyde.

A social studies teacher gives his class an assignment: look at the world around you and fix what you don't like. One student comes up with an idea which results in the launch of a goodwill movement known as "Pay It Forward".

We will meet in the Church, 6.45pm doors for 7.15pm film start. Open to all ages 12 & above.  Pay on the door, cash please: £5 per adult / £1 per child. Includes a hot drink on arrival. There will be a 1/2-time intermission (loo break!) Bring your own food & drink or use the Co-Op / chippie if you forget to bring some sustenance! Any questions? Contact: Don Tocher, Mags Waters or Lesley Handy. See you on the night. Don't forget your popcorn! Don, Mags and Lesley

Wednesday 2nd April 6.30pm – Inspire 

Everyday Flowers in everyday vases… ​(Karen Rose has politely told me that just snipping the ends of a bunch of flowers and putting them in a vase of water is not flower arranging!​)

Join us as Karen Rose shares the passion, she has for using everyday objects and supermarket flowers to create beautiful flower arrangements.​

 You will need a container between 10-20cms in height that you can arrange some flowers in e.g., milk jug, empty bake bean tin, cup and saucer, goldfish bowl.  

Oasis, flowers and ribbon provided.  If you have strong scissors, please bring them with you. Any donations of garden greenery would be very much appreciated.​ Cost will be £10.  For any further information speak to Revd. Buffy

The Royal Marines Association Concert Band – Saturday 12th April 7pm

We are hosting this charity concert for The Royal Marines Association Concert Band. The Association Band will be performing a range of popular music so will be an exciting addition to our concert programme this year. We have hosted RM band every year and so this additional concert by their fundraising band promises to be an evening to remember. Tickets are £15 including tea or coffee and are available from Tina Cottam (023 9226 6924) and the church office. Alternatively, tickets can be ordered online from the band                                     Tina Cottam, Concert Organiser

Good Friday Lent Soup Lunch - Friday 18th April  

We are now planning our Lent Lunch of soup, bread, cheese and hot cross buns on Good Friday at 12noon.  This is a fundraising activity, with a suggested donation of £5 per person (or £10 per family)

Plans are now well underway, but we still need a couple of people to make soup and bring on the day.  If you feel you can help please contact Karen in the Parish Office on 023 9226 8757 or 

April 14th – 18th Holy Week Morning Prayer

During this week Morning Prayer will be at the slightly later time of 9am – 9.30am.

Easter Lilies​

If you would like a lily in memorium, please place any monies in an envelope marked, ‘Easter Lilies’ and either place in the wall safe at the back of the church or hand in to the church office.  Many thanks –                           

Sarah Shepherd

Refreshments at 10am service.

After our 10am service we gather in our church hall for refreshments and further fellowship.  We enjoy tea/coffee/squash and biscuits/cakes.  Recently several of our helpers have stood back and so we currently need a couple of new people to help serve refreshments.  The commitment is roughly once every /4-6 weeks.  On the day it means arriving before the 10am service, setting up tables and chairs in the hall, and getting the drinks ready. As the service closes it means leaving in the last hymn to come through to the hall and be ready to serve the drinks and wash up mugs! Everything is provided accept the milk and biscuits, which you would need to bring with you.  

We need help on these dates:  27th April and 11th May.   Revd. Emma


Karen Rose Parish Administrator. 023 9226 8757

Revd. Emma Racklyeft Vicar. 023 9226 2647 

Revd. Buffy Langdown Curate. 07747 819918

Lewis Jones Youth & Families Community Leader. 07780 981235 

Peter Mitchell Licensed Lay Minister (Reader)

Amanda Hillyard Churchwarden. 07808 198827  

Mike Gaskin Churchwarden. 07734 325284