Weekly Update – 2nd February
Update for Sunday 2nd February 2025
Sunday 2nd February – Presentation of Christ in the Temple - Candlemas
This week the readings are Malachi 3: 5-1 and Luke 2: 22-40.
At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Revd. Buffy will lead and preside and Canon John Byrne will preach.
At 10am we gather for a Holy Communion with groups for Kids and Youth at Ten. Revd. Buffy will lead and preside, and Canon John Byrne will preach. This service will be live streamed. All are welcome to stay for refreshments served in our church hall after.
At 6pm we join for a Taizé Candlemas service lead by Canon David Lindsay and team. A reflective service of prayers and chants and Bible readings. All are very welcome.
Sunday 9th February – 4th Sunday before Lent
The readings this week are 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 and Luke 5: 1-11
At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Canon David Lindsay will preside and preach.
At 10am we gather for our Together Service. This service is for all ages as we worship, learn, and grow together. The service will be led by Revd. Buffy and team. Please stay after the service for refreshments served and games the church hall.
At 6pm we gather for Evensong which Peter Mitchell, our Licensed Minister (Reader) will lead, and Revd. Stuart Cleaver will preach. All are very welcome.
Tuesday 18th February 2pm - Mothers Union
Mothers Union meet in the Heath room starting at 2pm. Anyone and everyone is welcome!
Saturday 8th February - Men’s Group Rugby viewing in the Heath Room @ 4.30pm (kick off 4.45pm) - England v France - bring your own liquid refreshments/snacks but do please let us know if you will be coming along by Thursday 6th February as the event will only go ahead if there is sufficient demand. English and French supporters equally welcome! Paul Over 07775 706082 or paulover@btinternet.com
Sing a new song!
Last week, at our 10am service we learnt a new song called King of Kings written by Brooke Ligertwood. It was very well received – so I’m sure we’ll be singing again soon! If you’d like to listen to it, it can be found here on YouTube.
Friday 7th March 2pm Thanksgiving Service for the Late Bob (Robert) Gould
Sheila and family would like to welcome you to All Saints for a Thanksgiving service as we remember Bob Gould. Followed by refreshments at the Fox and Hounds pub.
Alpha 2025 is underway! We are meeting each Weds evening to explore the basics of the Christian faith. Please do pray for:
- everyone to enjoy friendship and trust as we meet, eat and talk together,
- that each person on Alpha to grow in understanding and faith in Jesus,
- give thanks for those who help make Alpha happen by planning, cooking, leading and listening. (If anyone is able to make a gluten free, veggie meal for 6 on the 29th January that would be fabulous.) Revd. Buffy
HALF PRICE Calendars
We currently have three beautiful calendars left in our gift shop for 2025. These have now been reduced to £5.00 – do take a look!
Mini Library
Don’t forget our mini library in our welcome area in church. Here you will find a wide selection of Christian books, biographies, devotionals, Bibles and study guides that you are welcome to borrow.
Lent 2025
Lent begins this year on Wednesday 5th March. The day before we will mark Shrove Tuesday with a BIG Pancake Party in church – more details on this will yet follow.
Then at 7pm on Ash Wednesday we will hold a Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes service, to which all are very welcome. If you have previous Palm crosses at home, you are welcome to return these to church and leave in the Vicars’ pigeonhole, or hand in at the office by Friday 28th Feb. These will be burnt to create the ashes ready for this year’s Imposition.
During Lent itself, the staff team are recommending this year’s Bible Reading Fellowship book, ‘The Whole Easter Story – why the cross is good news for all creation’ written by Jo Swinney. Jo Swinney works for A Rocha International. A Rocha means ‘The Rock’ (Jesus). A Rocha is a Christian nature conversation charity working all around the world to care for God’s creation. A Rocha also runs Eco Church – an award programme encouraging green/eco living in churches and communities. As a church, we have a bronze award and are working on our silver status.
Jo’s book explores the profound meaning of Easter beyond our own personal relationship with God. Jo acknowledges that the Christian faith is not just about our own growth, purpose and spirituality. There is no doubt that each of us has a place in the Easter story, but what happened on the cross is not just a story of me and Jesus – rather it is far deeper and wider than that.
Through Lent, Jo explores the broader impact of the Easter story on God’s relationship with creation. Through Bible readings, reflections and stories from A Rocha’s global conservation efforts, discover that the cross transforms not just own connection with Jesus, but also our relationships with each other, with creation and our world. The death and resurrection of Jesus changes everything!
There are four main sections to the book – each with ten days – so forty days in total, read Mon-Sat with a rest on Sundays. This book can be read individually or in a Home/Study Group (at the back of the book there is a six-week group discussion guide). We will also be exploring this book in our Sunday teaching each week, at both our 8am and 10am services, picking up on key themes.
So, we commend this book this Lent. You can purchase your own copy from our welcome area. They are £8 each - monies can be place in an envelope and left in our church wall safe, behind the font. Or you can order with Eden: www.eden.co.uk
Holiday Club 2025
Holiday Club will run from Tuesday 4th - Friday 8th August 9:30-3:30pm each day with a Celebration service on Sunday the 10th at 10am. Please note that during this time the church, church hall and its grounds will be closed for general access.
The theme is Explorers – The Greatest Journey. We hope to welcome up to 90 children (school years R – Yr 6) from across our community to explore the greatest story ever told. This year’s theme will take children on an interactive journey across deserts, mountains, and seas as they uncover hidden treasures and learn about the incredible love and hope found in Jesus. It’s a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact on the lives of children and families in our community—and we need YOUR help to make it happen!
We’re Looking for Volunteers to Join the Team!
Whether you can spare a few hours, a few days, or the whole week, there’s a role for everyone:
- Group Leaders: Could you empower children in year 5 and 6? Guide the children through games, crafts, and activities.
- Group Helpers: Support the group leader and help children craft and discover the message for each day’s story.
- Refreshments Team: Fuel the adventurers with snacks and smiles.
- Decorating Crew: Before the event could you help bring our explorer theme to life with vibrant, creative decor.
- Prayer Support: Uplift this ministry and all involved as we prepare and deliver the program - a special prayer diary will be out soon to help guide your prayers.
Your involvement—no matter how big or small—could be the spark that helps a child encounter God’s love for the first time. If you feel prompted to step into this exciting ministry, please contact Revd. Buffy, Lesley Handy, Mags Waters, Peter Markham or Lewis Jones on holidayclub@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk or phone/message Lewis on 07780 981235. Support and resources will be provided to ensure you feel confident and equipped!
Let’s work together to make this year’s Holiday Club an unforgettable journey of fun, faith, and discovery. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can be part of this life-changing week. Lewis Jones, Youth and Families Community Leader
Should the Parish Chronicle continue?!
Sorry to be mentioning this again, but I will be standing down at the end of this year from my role in producing the Parish Chronicle. In order for the Chronicle to continue beyond December 2025, we need a volunteer as soon as possible to assist with it. I can give whatever help and guidance is needed, but the main requirements are an ability to use suitable computer software and a few (5-8) hours available per month. If you would like to know more about it, please contact Karen in the office, or email or speak to me. Thank you,
Steve Venn, 07803 595915 steve.venn@gmail.com
Karen Rose Parish Administrator. 023 9226 8757 parish.admin@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Revd. Emma Racklyeft Vicar. 023 9226 2647 vicar@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Revd. Buffy Langdown Curate. 07747 819918 curate@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Lewis Jones Youth & Families Community Leader. 07780 981235 youth@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Peter Mitchell Licensed Lay Minister (Reader) peter.mitchell@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Amanda Hillyard Churchwarden. 07808 198827
Mike Gaskin Churchwarden. 07734 325284