Weekly Update – 12th January
Update for Sunday 12th January 2025
Morning Prayer is held every weekday morning 8.30am in our Chapel
Sunday 12th January – Baptism of Christ 1st Sunday of Epiphany
The readings this week are Acts 8: 14- 17 and Luke 3: 15-22
At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Revd. Anne Lindsay will preside and preach.
At 10am we gather for our Together Service. This service is for all ages as we worship, learn, and grow together. The service will be led by Revd. Emma, Peter Mitchell and team. Please stay after the service for refreshments and crafts served in the church hall.
At 6pm we gather for Evensong which Canon David Lindsay will lead and preach. All are very welcome.
Sunday 19th January 2025 – 2nd Sunday of Epiphany
This week the readings are 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 and John 2: 1-11
At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Canon Jeanette Power will lead and preside and Peter Mitchell, our Licensed Lay Minister (Reader), will preach.
At 10am we gather for a Holy Communion with groups for Kids and Youth at Ten. Revd. Buffy will lead and preside, and Peter Mitchell, our Licensed Minister (Reader) will preach. This service will be live streamed. All are welcome to stay for refreshments served in our church hall after.
Tuesday 14th January 7pm - Catholic Mass
We welcome our friends from Sacred Heart Catholic church as they celebrate Mass here at All Saints. All are welcome to attend this service.
Saturday 18th January 8.30am – Men’s Group Breakfast
Our next breakfast is in the Heath Room when we meet to catch up and share good food together.
Please let John Byrne know by the 15th for catering purposes if you can come. byrne.jv@gmail.com
Saturday 18th January 12.30pm – Baptism
We welcome the family and friends of Bear to celebrate his Baptism.
Alpha 2025 Wednesday 15th January
Alpha 2025 – It is not long now until Alpha 2025 begins on the 15th of January at 6.30pm.
If you would like to join us or know somebody who would, please can you let Revd Buffy know as soon as possible so that we can arrange resources, catering and any dietary requirements.
If you feel led to join the Alpha team, provide a delicious meal or help behind the scenes then it’s not too late to offer your help!
Finally, please pray for Alpha 2025 that it may share the Gospel message and change people’s relationship with Jesus. Revd. Buffy can be contacted on 07747 819918 or curate@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Tuesday 21st January 2pm - Mothers Union
Mothers Union meet in the Heath room starting at 2pm. Anyone and everyone is welcome!
Wednesday 22nd January 2-4pm
There comes a time in the life of any group when we need to take stock of where we are and consider where God may be leading us in the future. Over many years All Saints has run a monthly Bereavement Support Group which has played a significant part in the journey of grief for many people from across the community.
This last year we have had talks from the NHS ‘Falls Team’, from the Fire Department helping us with home safety issues and have supported and learnt about various local and national charities such as ‘Hounds for Heroes’ and the Hants and IOW Air Ambulance. In our publicity we have invited others to come and join the group where a particular topic is useful and interesting to them, but because the group is called a ‘Bereavement Support Group’, people have sometimes felt excluded. So, after discussion with our team of helpers, with Revd. Emma and the PCC, it has been decided to acknowledge these natural changes and reconfigure the group into more of a ‘well-being support group’.
We do not want to lose the bereavement focus of the group, but we want to continue to cover a much wider range of issues which contribute to the general health and wellbeing of our older people. In recognition of this we have agreed to change the name of the group to ‘Encompass’. This name incorporates the idea that all are welcome, and many issues will be covered. The general format will be the same: meeting on the 4th Wednesday of the month in the Church Hall from 2.00-4.00pm. There will be a speaker or topic to consider, questions or a discussion on the topic, followed by a delicious home-made tea and a fun quiz. There is no cost or membership fee, but we encourage donations towards the cost of refreshments, the expenses of our speakers and any excess is given as a gift to the various agencies we support.
Our first open session takes place on January 22nd, with a visit from a representative of the RNLI. Do come and hear about their invaluable work and join with us in donating to this worthy cause.
SAVE THE DATE: Big Family Quiz Night - Saturday 1st February
Bring the whole family, team up with friends or come solo and join a team for a fun-filled evening of trivia!
More information coming soon.
Lewis Jones Youth and Families Community Leader
Waterlooville Foodbank
A HUGE thank you to all who have given so generously to the foodbank last year.
Please continue to support this year: you can either bring food items to church each week and leave in our foodbank box in our welcome area, or you can donate through several local supermarkets whilst shopping, or you can make a financial donation using these BACS details:
Account: Living Waters Fellowship
Sort code: 20-69-34
Account no: 1363 8030
New Year – new loo rolls!!!
Several years ago Chris and I made the choice to stop buying loo rolls with our weekly food shop, and instead order a big box of green, eco sourced/friendly tissues. We have been really impressed with the loo roll itself, and with the subscription service. We now also order hand tissues, paper towels and several other products through this company. There are now many companies that offer such a service.
Can I encourage you, at the start of this new year to have a look and make a change – it’s another small step, which collectively makes a big difference.
Here are companies that offer this service:
- Cheeky Panda - https://uk.cheekypanda.com/
- Naked Sprout - https://nakedsprout.uk/
- Who Gives a Crap - https://uk.whogivesacrap.org/
- Bumboo - https://www.bumboo.eco/
Karen Rose Parish Administrator. 023 9226 8757 parish.admin@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Revd. Emma Racklyeft Vicar. 023 9226 2647 vicar@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Revd. Buffy Langdown Curate. 07747 819918 curate@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Lewis Jones Youth & Families Community Leader. 07780 981235 youth@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Peter Mitchell Licensed Lay Minister (Reader) peter.mitchell@allsaintsdenmead.org.uk
Amanda Hillyard Churchwarden. 07808 198827
Mike Gaskin Churchwarden. 07734 325284