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Weekly Update – 6th October

04 October 2024 11:36

Update for Sunday 6th October 2024

See full update HERE

Morning Prayer is held every weekday morning 8.30am in our Chapel

Sunday 6th October Harvest – Generosity Week- Stewardship

The readings this week are 2 Corinthians 8: 1-15 and Luke 21:1-4 

At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Revd. Emma will preside and preach.    

At 10am we gather for a Holy Communion with groups for Kids and Youth at Ten. Revd. Emma will lead and preach. This service will be live streamed. All are welcome to stay for refreshments served in our church hall after.   

During Communion there will be an opportunity for prayer ministry in our chapel – a safe place for people to come, to share their needs and concerns in confidence, alongside a couple of trained, prayer team members, who will pray alongside them.   

At 6pm we join for a Taizé Harvest service lead by Canon David Lindsay and team. We give thanks for God’s good gifts with a service of prayers and chants and Bible readings. All are very welcome. 

Sunday 13th October – Return: the Minor Prophets: Jonah – Haggai, Renew the Vision 

The readings this week are Haggai 1:3-11 2:6-9 and Mark 10:17-31 

At 8am we gather for a traditional BCP Communion Service Canon David Lindsay will preside and preach.     

At 10am we gather for our Together Service.  This service is for all ages as we worship, learn, and grow together. The service will be led by Revd. Buffy and team. Please stay after the service for refreshments and crafts served in the church hall.   

At 6pm we gather for Evensong which Revd. Buffy will lead and Revd. Stuart Cleaver preach. All are very welcome.      

Revd. Emma Training and Annual Leave

Tuesday 8th – Friday 11th October Revd. Emma away training in York

Saturday 12th - Friday 18th October Revd. Emma will be on annual leave. Please contact church office or church wardens as needed during this time.

Monday 7th October 2pm – Funeral for the Late Craig John

Please note the carpark will be closed at this time.

Harvest 2024 

Today we will be celebrating Harvest! Come as we rejoice in God’s great generosity and all His many good gifts.  

Once again, we will be collecting groceries and toiletries for the Waterlooville Foodbank.  This local foodbank run by Debbie and her team of volunteers, do an amazing job in supporting families, couples and individuals with food hampers during times of need. 

Please can I encourage you to start collecting and bring with you these much-needed items:

  • Tinned meat – corned beef, stewed beef, chicken in white wine sauce, tinned pies.
  • Tinned meals – ravioli, macaroni, hot dogs, mince and onions, spaghetti bolognaise, veggie meals.
  • Dried pasta including spaghetti, macaroni, lasagne, rigatoni etc.
  • Rice, couscous, lentils.
  • Baked beans, spaghetti and soups.
  • Cereals and biscuits
  • Tea and coffee and hot chocolate
  • Desserts – custard, rice pudding and tinned fruit.
  • Toilet rolls, household and laundry cleaners, toothpaste and brushes, soap, sanitary items, shampoo and conditioner, and other essential toiletries. 

If you would prefer you can give a monetary donation.  

  1. This can be done by cheque payable to Living Waters Fellowship, placed in an envelope which we can hand on.  
  2. Or you can make a direct BACS transfer using these details:   

Account: Living Waters Fellowship. Sort code: 20-69-34. Account no: 13638030.

Please note, if you are unable to attend our Harvest Services, there is now a permanent drop off point in the church, in our welcome area, so items can be left when church is open, and we will regularly transfer items to the Foodbank.  

Church is open each day 8.30am am – till dusk.

Hampshire Police Male Voice Choir 12th October at 7pm

We are delighted to be welcoming back the fabulous local Male Voice Choir to All Saints with a guest appearance from the village's own local group ‘The Downland Singers’.  The Police choir’s repertoire is extensive and covers all genres of music from sacred to sea shanties, folk songs and ‘showstoppers’ from musical theatre.  Don’t miss the opportunity to a delightful evening out, tickets are £12 including light refreshments in the interval.

Last few tickets are on available from the parish church office or from Tina Cottam.  For more information please contact: -  Tina Cottam 9226 6925

Men’s Group 17th October 6.45pm – Buffet and Skittles Evening 

All men are invited to a Buffet and Skittles evening at The Barley Mow, Walderton. We will organise sharing cars and will be leaving from All Saints Denmead car park at 6.45pm.  Friends are very welcome to this evening of food, fun-competition and chat together.  Cost £12.50 per person.

Please let us know promptly if you can come, so we can give the pub certainty of numbers in good time. Contact Paul Over  07775 706082.

Don, John and Paul

Saturday 19th October 10am – Inspire Women’s Group

INSPIRE will be hosting Henley Chocolate’s Sally Daniels who will deliver a chocolate making session 10am til 12 noon in the Church Hall. The session is £20.00 and will have a cap of 20 people to ensure resources and Sally’s support and attention throughout. 

Please do join us for some sweet, and maybe messy, chocolate fun. Speak to Sophie after church, or confirm in the INSPIRE WhatsApp Group or by email:

Looking forward to seeing you, Katherine, Buffy and Sophie

Denmead Art Exhibition 

It was a wonderful weekend, and we had very positive feedback from visitors and artists alike, complimenting us on the fabulous art work display and on the organisation of the event itself. We couldn’t host such an event without all the great team of volunteers, and it was lovely to have so many people giving up their time to support it. 

It looks like we had a record number of visitors come to this year's exhibition and everyone played their part in welcoming people and guiding them round the art exhibition.  We sold around 60 paintings and raised over £1600 to be used in support of the church's work in the community. The exhibition has become a traditional fixture in the church calendar, a very popular event. Next year we will be celebrating our 50th exhibition so look out for details on how you can be involved.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s success.

The Art Team-Amanda, Paul, Steve, Liz, Michael, Margaret, Tina and Simon

Return: The Minor Prophets 

We’re currently in the middle of a sermon series on the minor prophets.  Below we’ve listed the minor prophet we’ll be looking at each week, along with a broad theme. It would be useful to read the book in preparation for each Sunday. 

(In the Sunday service we will only use a selection from each book – not the whole thing!) Each minor prophet is short in length and will only take 5-20 mins to read. We’ve included the page numbers as found in the Bible we use in church. 

  • 06th October   Harvest Celebration 
  • 13th October Haggai: Renew the Vision (pgs. 892-893) 
  • 20th October Zechariah: Grace and Forgiveness (pgs. 894-902) 
  • 27th October Malachi: A Better Day is Coming! (pgs. 903-905

We are also publishing our sermon notes each week, so you can read through them if you wish – and of course feel free to come back with further questions.  

These can be found on our homepage at:  

or direct at:


Karen Rose Parish Administrator. 023 9226 8757

Revd. Emma Racklyeft Vicar. 023 9226 2647 

Revd. Buffy Langdown Curate. 07747 819918

Lewis Jones Youth & Families Community Leader. 07780 981235 

Peter Mitchell Licensed Lay Minister (Reader)

Amanda Hillyard Churchwarden. 07808 198827  

Mike Gaskin Churchwarden. 07734 325284